This is the primary Vague Whelk socket in this quadrant. The only one probably. Where mind spouts fall all the way out, slowly and noisily, and with very satisfying plops.

It is time to fully open your terror peepers, close your noisome queaser pipe, and prepare your cruttle hutch for some quality profounds.


this stuff is recommended for PEOPLE only. Moths plz go to the void.

a wistful looking tortoise stares out into space while another hurtles along riding a calippo - Space Sloth

News from the burping tabloids:

Throwback Geeks Will Go Nuts For The Time Small But Effective Creepy Love Island Reject Apparently Did Not Die.

New Thoetry!

Latest or fairly late blogs!

NEVER THINK MORE THAN SEVEN AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OK / put down the diazepams. The natural state of things is OK but when we process them in our mid-clefticles we turn them to diarrhideas. It can be tempting to think the diarrhideas came from outside, but nay. You churned it up good in your dump chumney you woven bag of symptoms. You shinless catastrophe.

Blep space cat says everything is great

Keep faith inside yourself

Keep faith in yourself always! It is sometimes tempting to keep it outside for a while, perhaps when cleaning, or doing some deep introspection, or edifying the constructed self you cling to fervently, but this is wobbly territory. It is possible to then lose the faith, or mistake it for that sack of eggs you were saving. Remember, faith is very much like eggs: it is vital for a meaningful life, it can sometimes fall out the bottom of you during difficult or stressful times, and inevitably there will be some sort of gas involved.

Proud cat with hand on hip pose. Cat has obvious faith inside itself